Emulogix Emulator Component or FeaturesAn emulator is a tool to assist you in attaining as fault-free an implementation as possible. In general, Emulogix emulators contain the following components or features to achieve that goal: Graphic View of the Implementation The graphic view of the implementation provides two functions. First, it animates the components of the implementation which are the most important parts of the process. Second, the graphic view permits analysis of the implementation, as the operational behavior of the implementation frequently contains revelations which exceed the sum of its parts. We use this view during testing to test progressively larger components and their relationships. High Speed Real-World Interface Because there are software interfaces, it is impossible in many cases for emulation to transfer information at the speed of hard-wired electronics. Nevertheless, Emulogix optimizes the interfaces to provide extremely accurate event replication. Behavior Modification Operator interfaces to the emulator permit the developer to change the behavior of emulated components in real-time to accelerate testing, and, to create anomalies for exception testing. Event Logging Event logging gives the developer the capability to examine in detail the order of events and resolve race conditions. Events typically happen at electrical speeds. Event histories state the exact order in which events occurred. Scripting Emulogix provides an easy-to-use scripting language to formalize repeatable factory acceptance tests (FATs). In conjunction with event logging, this feature provides documented evidence of the viability and conformance of software prior to installation at the customer site.