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Baggage Handling System (BHS) Conveyor Emulation

The emulator in this case study is an implementation of the versatile Emulogix conveyor emulator.

As with all of the other Emulogix emulators, a configuration database describes the physical and electrical layout of the conveyor system. The emulator communicates with the system controller or PLC, convincing it that it is at the customer site. In this specific conveyor emulation, the emulator is capable of emulating a number of types of explosive detection systems (EDS), such as CTX, VIS, and others.

We configure the emulator to have external devices, such as bar code scanners, or EDS systems, communicate directly with PLC memory, or, through other communication interfaces connected to the PLC. The emulator can be configured to emulate bar code printers.

The emulator can implement cyborgs, which are really the result of human beings who would otherwise be communicating or interfering with the real-life system. For example, cyborgs can induce bags at ticket counters (or anywhere else), remove bags as in normal operation, make sortation decisions, and so on. Consequently, volume and load testing is possible without any intervention by system developers.